It has been a long time since we started work on my website and finally the time has come – it's ready to view. I am more than happy to invite you to explore my world of printmaking, painting and other artistic endeavors. Enjoy! Cheers, Anna Siek
Photographic reportage of the grand opening of Professor Jan Siek's retrospective exhibition that took place on December 15th 2017 in gallery „Na styku”, Chrzanów, Poland. [FinalTilesGallery id='27'] fotography by Joanna Kozek
The studios and the family house are situated about 25 kilometres from Kraków, Poland. The house is surrounded with a garden and ponds; it used to belong to Andrzej Stopka, an art director from Kraków. Jan Siek coped with the refurbishment of the dwelling for many years. The house and garden owe their present appearance to his persistent work as well as to Teresa, his wife. She is undoubtedly the person to take care for the whole building and the family. [FinalTilesGallery id='23'] The
Oil painting as well as artwork and sculpture are inspired by the world around me, current events and my internal world. It is a more direct action than the graphic, associated with the moment in which the image arises. It gives me more freedom and the opportunity to look at the aspect of color and image structure from a different angle. Its surface is often an experimental subject for me . Sometimes I leave the canvas unpainted or covered it with subsequent layers of other material. The
My prints are for me a kind of traces left after ideas, which brought the results of my work to life. I combine various methods of graphic art and painting, such as: lithography, dry point, etching, aquatint, watercolor paint and pastel. It also happens that I work on old prints one more time and continue my efforts so that they “speak out” again. At the beginning it is usually a simple sketch, an idea, which starts subsequent changes as far as the form, colour and texture are concerned. A
Here I present sculptures made according to the original projects. Among them are figurative works that are close to me, but also floral and architectural motifs. Spatial forms such as sculpture and bas-relief are very real in contrast to the illusion of a painting or graphic, the more pleasant it is to be able to do carving work. The sculptures are made in such materials as stone, wood, bronze or cast in stone mass. [FinalTilesGallery id='13']