
My prints are for me a kind of traces left after ideas, which brought the results of my work to life. I combine various methods of graphic art and painting, such as: lithography, dry point, etching, aquatint, watercolor paint and pastel. It also happens that I work on old prints one more time and continue my efforts so that they “speak out” again.

At the beginning it is usually a simple sketch, an idea, which starts subsequent changes as far as the form, colour and texture are concerned. A dialogue occurs between a thought, which has not been expressed yet, and physical objects, in this case a graphical print, which is not always easy to work on.

Large amount of work is devoted to planning and technical matters. Still, when one forgets about these aspects, the prints begin to have a life on their own. It happens quite often that mistakes and failed attempts make it difficult to adhere to my original plan. The mishaps frequently bring to life what is the most important thing for a given concept. This results in better emphasizing what was originally planned.

Abstract forms series:
“Icarus”, “The doors”, “Woman”, “Immortals”, “Water” 


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