The History of Art Studios of The Family
The studios and the family house are situated about 25 kilometres from Kraków, Poland. The house is surrounded with a garden and ponds; it used to belong to Andrzej Stopka, an art director from Kraków. Jan Siek coped with the refurbishment of the dwelling for many years. The house and garden owe their present appearance to his persistent work as well as to Teresa, his wife. She is undoubtedly the person to take care for the whole building and the family.
The first art studio to materialise here was the one of Jan Siek, the eldest member of the family. Further projects, which often meant huge sculptures, started the existence of subsequent art studios and brought new life to them. Later, new artists, the children of Jan and Teresa Siek, started working here: Anna – a graphic artist, Jacek – a painter, Zofia – a painting conservator, Andrzej – a sculptor and Wojciech – a conservator and sculptor. Marysia, who is the youngest daughter, lives abroad and travels a lot. Painting is a source of inspiration to her. The art studios in Siedlce are where many artistic projects from Poland, Finnland, Switzerland, USA, Ukraine, Lithuania and France were carried out.

The view from the hall, Fall of 2015, photography by Marian Lewicki
The heart of Anna Siek’s studio is a printing press. The venerable device has produced most graphic series. In the studio one can also see paintings by Anna Siek.
Zofia Siek-Mlicka infused new life into many valuable paintings in her studio. The artist has also painted a number of expressive works.
Jacek Siek is fascinated by light effects and the appearance of the garden, which is the main motif of his paintings.
The sculpture studio of Jan, Andrzej and Wojciech Siek is a place where various works come into being. Sculptures of Andrzej Siek, for which different materials have been used, are placed both inside the abode and in the surrounding garden. They highlight the nature of the place, which is permeated with artistic history.

The studio and family house, Fall of 2015, photography by Marian Lewicki
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