All posts by admin

Mural painting and interior design

Every year many unusual orders are created in my workshop, both painting and sculptural. Often, these works are done inside the building, wall paintings or sculptural elements, that become a part of interior design. These works are the result of a dialogue with clients who have their own vision of an object and are looking for the right material and workmanship. Please feel free to ask any question, I will be happy to make your dream come true. [FinalTilesGallery id='11']

Watercolour Portrait

Making watercolor portrait requires painting discipline due to technical conditions. This technique gives almost no possibility of making corrections and retouching, because there is no way to remove painted part or cover it with paint. White paint is not used at all, it is only be obtained by leaving the color of white paper. The image of a portrayed person must be accurately captured in the first stage, and any changes cause that the work loses freshness, which is why the watercolor