I cordially invite you on July 1 from 16.00 to the open day of our art studios and exhibitions and our guests, this year we will host an exhibition of art photography by Marek Kowalski and Grzgoż Ojżyński, graphics by Joanna Kozek, painting by Wiktor Zwolski . The exhibitions and sculpture studios of Andrzej Siek and Jan Siek, the painting workshop of Anna Siek, the conservation of paintings by Zofia Siek-Mlicka, and the painting exhibition of Jacek Siek. Animated films, drawings and
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Exhibition of graphics from FGV https://fynsgv.dk/Funen Printmaking Studio at FIG https://www.figbilbao.com/in Bilbao, Spain, in November, from 25-28. nov. 2021. FIG is an international fair for prints and paper art.
International Sculpture Symposum in Odense. My Land Art sculptures "Wind", "Sun", "Earth" and my brother Andrzej Siek's sculpture "Odyn", partly made in Poland and installed on the place in Hollufgård Sculpture center. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DUnxHBf94zM
It has been a long time since we started work on my website and finally the time has come – it's ready to view. I am more than happy to invite you to explore my world of printmaking, painting and other artistic endeavors. Enjoy! Cheers, Anna Siek
Photographic reportage of the grand opening of Professor Jan Siek's retrospective exhibition that took place on December 15th 2017 in gallery „Na styku”, Chrzanów, Poland. [FinalTilesGallery id='27'] fotography by Joanna Kozek