Browsing category Water-colour

Watercolour Portrait

Making watercolor portrait requires painting discipline due to technical conditions. This technique gives almost no possibility of making corrections and retouching, because there is no way to remove painted part or cover it with paint. White paint is not used at all, it is only be obtained by leaving the color of white paper. The image of a portrayed person must be accurately captured in the first stage, and any changes cause that the work loses freshness, which is why the watercolor


Flowers Watercolors, especially those concerning flowers are a kind of herbarium for me. This technique properly reflects the matter of these ever-renewing wonders of nature and, capture their fragile beauty. The motif that I also often paint in this technique is water. It is possible that by the very fact that it is a medium of pigment and adhesive, it accurately shows its character, reflections and texture of structure, delighting with freshness and simplicity. [FinalTilesGallery